I am currently woking on a couple of articles and a book chapter for an edited collection:
Work in progress: History of Bioethics (10,000 words), to appear in Crawford, P. & Kadetz, P. (Eds) Palgrave Encyclopaedia of Health Humanities (due 2021).
Palliative Sedation – is it a real dilemma? To appear in: Mallia, P., Gordijn, B. & Emmerich, N. (Eds). Challenges to End of Life Care: A Global Issue. Opportunities, Training and Pathway (Springer)
Work in Progress: Withdrawing, Withholding and Foregoing.
Work in Progress: Ethos and Eidos: Field-Level Concepts for the Sociology of Morality and the Anthropology of Ethics. Target journal: Theory and Society.